Update – Joint UTFA Librarian/Admin Committee

Joint UTFA Librarian/Administration Committee

Tuesday January 18, 2011, 2:30-4:00 pm

Robarts  Library, 2nd Floor Conference Room

Co-chairs:  Harriet Sonne de Torrens, Joan Leishman

Chairing January 18 meeting: Joan Leishman

Next meeting: February 2, 2011 at UTFA offices.

Highlights of the Jan. 18 meeting:

The meeting yesterday (agenda made public by email to librarians) resulted in several action items, which needed further investigation and consultation with Carole Moore, the Chief Librarian.

Some of the items being discussed and investigated pertain to:

PTR: In addition to the written evaluation, librarians receive a numeric grade within the different ranges, on which the final PTR is based. This numeric number has never been revealed to the individuals but is used to determine the PTR %. Current discussion is focused on revealing this number to members in their future PTR letter. There is an effort to offer greater transparency. It is hoped that we can begin this in 2011.

Job Postings: Standardizing the language used regarding contractual agreements and clearly indicating differences between a Level I or Level III postings in postings.

The topic of the ‘librarian-like’ postings from the Faculty of Medicine on the FIS jobsite was also discussed. A review of qualifications, distinguishing between library diplomas and library degrees, on UT postings was discussed. More background information on this issue will be shared with UTFA members separately.

Lastly, the question of whether or not the new project of creating UTL librarian profile web pages (their content and existence) would be used as part of their annual reviews was raised. We have been told that this is not the case, but further reassurance will come from administration on this issue.

Thank you for your input. Please continue to keep us informed.

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